Weekly Shonen Jump - Review of Issue #12 (2013)
Without my usual dose of One Piece, there's something empty about this issue of Weekly Shonen Jump. It didn't help that the usual series had transitional chapters, leaving no lasting impression.
Without my usual dose of One Piece, there's something empty about this issue of Weekly Shonen Jump. It didn't help that the usual series had transitional chapters, leaving no lasting impression.
Many apologies about delaying the Weekly Shonen Jump issue reviews. The short story is university happened. Anyhow, these have been some pretty eventful chapters for many series. Shokugeki no Souma...
After a long break, Weekly Shonen Jump is finally back. A strong issue for sure. Great chapters from quite a few series - no surprises as to which ones. There's also some good news regarding a serie...
This review may be late by a week or so, but I'm sure you guys can understand the holidays have been busy. This issue of Weekly Shonen Jump marks a special occasion with the all colour chapter of Kur...
2012 has come to an end too quickly. It was a strong year with many good anime, but the choice was hard; there were no Madoka/Steins/Penguindrums to make the list easier. Anyhow, after much thought ...
Merry Christmas to all on the day I decide to write this very long post on top of the others I'm working on. As the last Weekly Shonen Jump I'm reviewing this year, there's a lot that needs to be sai...
Sorry this is late, but you may have noticed my mention of technical issues.
Sorry for posting this Weekly Shonen Jump Issue Review a little late. There will be a post explaining the lateness of posts and whatnot a little later.
Here's the official first issue of Weekly Shonen Jump for the upcoming new year. A rare occurrence as we a chapter of Hunter x Hunter; special not regular.