Tag: bleach

Weekly Shonen Jump - Review of Issue #15, 16, 17 (2013)
I really need to stop doing this. Apologies for the delays in the Weekly Shonen Jump reviews, but it hasn't been the easiest 3 weeks. As I did with the last combined review, we'll go by issues. Star...

Weekly Shonen Jump - Review of Issue #13 (2012)
An issue of Weekly Shonen Jump with both arc conclusions, and beginnings. One Piece is back from its absence in the last issue, with a cover to boot. Kuroko no Basket and Bleach celebrate their resp...

Weekly Shonen Jump - Review of Issue #12 (2013)
Without my usual dose of One Piece, there's something empty about this issue of Weekly Shonen Jump. It didn't help that the usual series had transitional chapters, leaving no lasting impression.

Do you ever want a long Shounen to just wrap up fast instead of being 100s of episodes long?
Do you remember when Bleach first started? Don't you think it felt quite different to the end of the last non-filler arc? Do you not get bored with waiting every week for 5 plus years? I guess even if...

Weekly Shonen Jump - Review of Issue #9, 10 & 11 (2013)
Many apologies about delaying the Weekly Shonen Jump issue reviews. The short story is university happened. Anyhow, these have been some pretty eventful chapters for many series. Shokugeki no Souma...

Weekly Shonen Jump - Review of Issue #8 (2013)
After a long break, Weekly Shonen Jump is finally back. A strong issue for sure. Great chapters from quite a few series - no surprises as to which ones. There's also some good news regarding a serie...

Weekly Shonen Jump - Review of Issue #6/7 (2013)
This review may be late by a week or so, but I'm sure you guys can understand the holidays have been busy. This issue of Weekly Shonen Jump marks a special occasion with the all colour chapter of Kur...

Best Manga of 2012 Part I - Top 10
You didn't think I'd forget about manga did you Well I haven't, hence the post. Coming up with a good way to write about manga this year was tricky because some series are weekly whilst others are mon...