Gate - 12
So far Gate has been interesting, although this episode was a lot slower paced than the previous ones. It involves a character Yao Ha Ducy whom we first met in the previous episode when she threatened...
So far Gate has been interesting, although this episode was a lot slower paced than the previous ones. It involves a character Yao Ha Ducy whom we first met in the previous episode when she threatened...
Is it possible that noitaminA is back to doing what it used to? Or it that just wishful thinking on my part?
The Summer 2015 anime season kicks off with one of the more anticipated series of the season. The story of the Handymen will seem all to familiar to fans of a certain anime, but the first episode sug...
So it has definitely been a while since I've done a post; especially a season preview. While I've only been following a few anime for each season for the past two years, I felt that recently things h...
The episode is somewhat anti-climatic compared to how season one ended, Aldnoah Zero Episode 13 starts off with the end of the last season but then things change...
Aldnoah Zero (ALDNOAH.ZERO) Season 1 was surprising, I'm writing this with episode 12 fresh in my mind as I just finished watching it minutes ago. I still can't believe how it ended.
Unfortunately, we missed episode 6 but we are on for episode 7. It was a decent episode with some pre-battle preparation going on. Although a major lack of Shiroe, whom we haven't really since since t...
There is a person who is from the people of the land going around and killing adventurers. And it seems he has one of the pieces of magic armor from the Kunie Clan, and furthermore the whole city actu...
Well let's get straight to the latest episode in the land of Elders Tale. There seems to be a creepy person from the People of the Land who actually killed a person within the walls of Akihabara. The ...
Log Horizon finished airing recently, and luckily I had some spare time on my hands which I used to marathon the show. (Also I am back to reviewing anime!)