The Monthly Manga Review - November 2012
Here is November's monthly manga review. I didn't see a new chapter for D.Gray-man so it's probably still on hiatus and of course so is Gate 7. On the plus side, I have included PSYCHO-PASS' manga's...
Here is November's monthly manga review. I didn't see a new chapter for D.Gray-man so it's probably still on hiatus and of course so is Gate 7. On the plus side, I have included PSYCHO-PASS' manga's...
This monthly manga review should have been posted sooner because quite frankly there weren't many chapters this month. CLAMP's hiatus means no new Gate 7, D.Gray-man is also on break and I put Maid-s...
And here's the monthly manga review for August. I'll add D.Gray-man and Kimi ni Todoke once the chapters are released. This review will also have chapter reviews for Gate 7 16 &17.
Bits and pieces, the usual Oricon sales figures and trailer or two. Here's what's up:
The usual bits and then the Oricon sales figures as well as news on a new multimedia project and a few previews. First the bits:
Another month, and some more monthly manga pay us a visit. I was going to wait for the latest chapter of D.Gray-man before posting this review but seeing as how it's been delayed considerably and all...
A new addition to the manga reviews section of this site, here comes the monthly manga review. After putting up a poll to see what people wanted reviewed most, I decided to take into account what rea...
With the end of the arc, it was time to progress smoothly into the next arc of the Ao no Exorcist storyline. Well, not quite.
I figured I can squeeze out another set of manga reviews if it's a monthly manga and what better ones to review than Jump SQ's exorcist duo.
Rin has seemed to even get Neigaus's wife on his side, originally she was the one who attacked all the people at the monastery and the boys dormitory. But eventually after seeing Rin protect her, she ...