Tag: Blogging

Summer 2013 - Poll Results and Blogging Plans
The Summer 2013 season is just hours from starting, so here are the poll results and our tentative plans for episodic blogging.

Spring 2013 - Blogging Plans & Poll Results
It's an odd feeling writing this post. Partly because I'm no longer the only one who'll be blogging episodically.

What The Future Holds
Recently the episodic posts have been delayed and there are a few reasons for that. It's that time of year when real life priorities take over, but in my case its another major factor.

Fall 2012 Blogging Plans - Confirmed and A Few Updates
There has been an influx of anime episodic posts from me, and I think I should clear up what series will be reviewed by myself this season and give a little explanation:

Ongoing Thoughts - 300 and Fall Blogging Plans
Well it's another random post about my strange thoughts, ideas and what have you. Actually this post is a little special and if you want to know why, keep reading.

The Anime Blogger Interrogation Game
I am so not in touch with the aniblogosphere (well not as much as I'd like) but that's mostly due to recent events. Thus I'm gladly doing this, since it seems like a good bit of fun.

Happy First Birthday to the Anime Blog!
Anime Aura is officially 1 year old today. Since we have started we've gained momentum and wrote articles on a range of topics. Seeing at we are one year old now we would like to just say a little sto...

A Little Update About The Site and Readers Poll
Some of you may or may not have noticed but recently I wasn't the one to write the Sword Art Online episode 4 review and that there hasn't been a Weekly Anime Round Up post in a while. There are a fe...