Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace - First Impressions
Is it possible that noitaminA is back to doing what it used to? Or it that just wishful thinking on my part?
Is it possible that noitaminA is back to doing what it used to? Or it that just wishful thinking on my part?
The Summer 2015 anime season kicks off with one of the more anticipated series of the season. The story of the Handymen will seem all to familiar to fans of a certain anime, but the first episode sug...
So it has definitely been a while since I've done a post; especially a season preview. While I've only been following a few anime for each season for the past two years, I felt that recently things h...
As I once again resurface to do a preview, I'm almost shocked at how stacked this upcoming Spring season is going to be. Big studios, big source material and even big returns - you know what I'm talk...
Yes, this is in fact happening. Whilst I have bogged down with real life priorities, like getting a job, I just couldn't resist putting out the Winter 2014 Anime Preview. Especially since I didn't h...
After watching these four episodes, I'm certain that Uchouten Kazoku will be my favourite P.A. works anime for a long time.
Only in a series like Genshiken would the trap character play a role in the comedy and the drama. Whatever your feelings on Nidaime thus far, you can't deny its versatility.
Things are going slowly for the Monogatari Series, and dare I say that the lack Araragi doesn't help.
I refer you to what I said in my previous post; already more excited about this season of Rozen Maiden.
What do you get when you mix a superhero setting akin to MIB x Tiger & Bunny and you get Kenji Nakamura to direct it? You get a wonderful first episode of Gatchaman Crowds.