Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace - First Impressions
Is it possible that noitaminA is back to doing what it used to? Or it that just wishful thinking on my part?
Is it possible that noitaminA is back to doing what it used to? Or it that just wishful thinking on my part?
The Summer 2015 anime season kicks off with one of the more anticipated series of the season. The story of the Handymen will seem all to familiar to fans of a certain anime, but the first episode sug...
Zankyou no Terror hooked me with the amazing music in the preview. What will keep me watching is the amazing animation and captivating plot.
If you need to get your horror anime fix, it seems like Tokyo Ghoul will definitely be your best bet this season…if you can handle the blood and gore, that is.
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The genre-spanning, pseudo-historical action anime that is Nobunaga the Fool promises to be one of the more interesting anime this season.
J.C. Staff brings us Witch Craft Works, a supernatural romance about an average boy and his witch protector.
Kicking off the Winter 2014 season with Noragami, an anime that shows us even gods have it tough sometimes, especially when they don’t have many followers!
Diabolik Lovers kicks things off with a short fifteen-minute episode that introduces us to the main characters.
Rarely does an anime adaptation of a manga surprise me, but when it does it's a welcome surprise.