Valvrave The Liberator - 09

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That was a quiet episode of Valvrave the Liberator.  Not much to speak of but still entertaining.

After last week's more impressive episode, something more low-key and middle-of-the-road wasn't such a bad thing to have.  For one thing, the preview hinted at something like this and with the second cour coming out in the Fall, it only makes sense for Valvrave to turn some of the existing cast into fighter pilots.  Especially since, there's the issue of the Golden Seven, which means we still have three more pilots waiting to be inducted.

Yamada AKA "Thunder" and Inuzuka were the obvious next choices.  Given that Thunder has been bitching and moaning from the start of the series and Inuzuka lost the person most important to him, it was the next logical step.  Just as them becoming pilots made sense, L-elf running the show behind the scenes made the same sense.  As usual, he proves to be the trickster and the general by pushing the two characters to the adequate point in their development.  Two characters wildly different from each other, which adds a little more spice to the whole scenario.  At this rate, the remaining three Valvrave pilots will be equally strange personalities and may or may not be revealed in the 3 episodes we have left in this season.

Not only do we see two characters get their due - action scenes and the lot - we also get the continuing mystery. As a rule for all series where kids comprise the main cast; don't trust the adults.  In this case it's the professor whose hiding something and I'm willing to bet it's the sci-fi plot we have yet to learn about.  Gargantia and Majestic Prince have had their big reveals and Valvrave the Liberator is next; only a matter of time.  We know it has something to do with JIOR's military secrets but what the mechs are is the secret we have yet to find out.

Valvrave The Liberator Extra Screen Caps

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No preview - unless it was just my download - so enjoy a few more screen caps.