Tamayura: More Aggressive - First Impressions

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Before anyone says anything, Tamayura's return couldn't be less aggressive if it tried.

No surprises that the second season to such a docile anime started off in an equally calm and soothing manner as season one did.  For those of you unfamiliar with this anime, consider it an extension of the Aria style of anime devoted to bringing peace of mind and heart and is often considered monotonous.

It was only recently that I checked out Tamayura and I have to admit it's not for everyone.  It's a slow-moving series that is an enjoyable watch if you want to escape into a world of no harm or hate, but is otherwise more of the same from a genre that in itself is hit or miss.  Season one was a soothing watch and going through it was no difficult task and based on the first episode of More Aggresive, there's no reason to question whether that will change.

There are some new developments in the works.  Potte will be attempting to form a photography club in an attempt to be 'more aggressive' and that'll bring an unidentified new character into the gang.  Presumably this will be the central focus of the season, which at least adds a bit of variety to the mix.  How this affects the season as a whole remains to be seen, though it's unlikely to give it any more structure.

It's a difficult anime to recommend and blog.  Definitely not the most eventful of series, it does at least offer something considerably different in the season and more than what is usually customary to anime revolving around a group of girls.  For me it's a relaxing watch, so I'll have to consider if there is anything I could do to write about Tamayura.

Tamayura: More Aggresive OP

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Tamayura: More Aggresive ED

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Tamayura: More Aggresive Episode 2 Preview

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