Shingeki no Kyojin - 05

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Shingeki no Kyojin really piled it on this episode didn't it?

Full Review

It was at this point in the manga that I started to get hooked on Shingeki no Kyojin.  Without a doubt, this was a huge turning point in the story and it came like a freight train hitting a small bird.  A dogpile of despair and devastation that just kept going right until the end of the episode.

Eren getting eaten by a titan should have shocked most of you.  A part of me even wishes I didn't read the manga so I could have been shocked by what happened to him, but I can say this was handled very well.  It'll certainly have an impact on both Armin and Mikasa, the former having played a bigger role in this episode.  A role that better than anyone or anything else, demonstrated the devastation that took place in the episode.

Armin garnered a lot of sympathy from me.  It was him that you wanted to feel sorry for and not Eren, because quite frankly Eren's attitude does get on one's nerves.  That and Armin's honest and hard-working nature crumbling in the face of the titans added on to the hopelessness of it all.

Safe to say, we're back on track with the main story and the "break" is now over.  The episode did achieve the goal of being memorable with everything that happened, giving us a big plot twist so early on in the series.  With so much that happened, it'll be nice to take a breather next week as the focus shifts to Mikasa.  A little annoying to have a flashback this early on, although learning about her and Eren's relationship should be insightful.

Final Note: You have no idea how hard it'll be to write Shingeki no Kyojin posts with full knowledge of what happens beforehand.

Shingeki no Kyojin Episode 06 Preview

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