JoJo's Bizarre Adventure The ANIMATION - 19

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I think as a rule of thumb in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, if you say the phrase "Germany's (medical) science is the best in world!" you're going to pay.

Seeing Stroheim back in the series is a nice bit of comic relief.  His appearance the first time round wasn't exactly anything more than that, so we're getting more of him at his funniest.  In any case, it's close to impossible to take anyone with machine guns coming out of their stomachs seriously.  Even less so when every other sentence is about the wonders of the Aryan race.

Stroheim's appearance aside, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure continues to be quieter than usual.  Looking back at this episode, you can't really say there was much going on or any of the usual over-the-top action/dialogue-  There's a sense of build-up, so one can understand the quietness of the series as of late.  We're being made to wait for the showdown between Cars, Wham, JoJo & co.

We get a teaser in the meantime, but that only heightens my impatience when it comes to waiting for the final battle.  At best, it's the appetizer - eaten in under a minute - meant to tease us even more by holding out on the main course for as long as possible.  Before we do get there, it looks like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure has some drama to it.

Oddly enough, I don't suspect Caesar's dramatic past is nuisance.  Be it any other non-drama anime, I'd be a little annoyed, however JoJo's Bizarre Adventure has proven just how well it handles everything.  No doubt it'll have an air of manliness to it that comes naturally to the series.  Maybe even some gag undertones to really round out the deviation from the typical shonen series.  We've seen done already with the training episode, and now we can see it again.

My anticipation is peaking! I don't think I can wait any longer.