Ginga Kikoutai: Majestic Prince - 05

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Majestic Prince continues its solid run for another week by doing what it does well.

After the events of this episode, I'm starting to think the days of pure comedy are gone for Majestic Prince.  The first two episodes are quickly becoming a distant memory, as the story progresses to explore the main characters and to develop a story that's more than some quick laughs at the expense of a overexposed genre.

We're still focusing on the struggles of Team Rabbits.  As one might expect, a bunch of kids won't be able to get over their problems and the pressures placed upon them by the higher-ups and the rest of the world.  Each one of them still has their past - not excluding the more recent events - following them everywhere they go, the biggest of which involves classmates making fun of them.  The insecurities and burdens they bear might be the opening to a new character being introduced as we see for a split second in this episode, but that's something small to keep in mind as we continue to focus on our main crew.

To guide our lost cast, Team Doberman (officially) makes an entrance.  Whilst the team leader helps Izuru find his way, their predominant job was to reintroduce some comedy to the now, more serious series.  Randy definitely kicked things off by openly hitting on Lt. Suzukaze before proceeding to give some advice to his fellow ikemen Izuru and finally give him a porn disc.  Most of the comedy is more low-key than what we've seen Majestic Prince do at the beginning, but the porn scene was a reminder of just how silly yet loveable this anime can get.  I almost couldn't contain myself when Asagi and Izuru were left alone to watch what they assumed to be porn with a Suzukaze lookalike.

Finally, the action in the series is as good as always.  So far it's added a little bit of excitement to the series, though it isn't doesn't play a big role in Majestic Prince's current character-centric plot.  Each mission is episodic in nature, presumably to aid the character development.  This may well change later on, but it serves its purpose well for now and a transition to more should only come when the bulk of the development is taken care of.

As I mentioned, this was another solid episode from Majestic Prince.  Next week the story should progress a little more with the graduation and that may bring some big changes with it to the series.

Ginga Kikoutai: Majestic Prince Episode 06 Preview

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