Brothers Conflict - 05


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Tension grows as more of the brothers confront their feelings for Chi in the latest episode of Brothers Conflict.

It’s nice to finally see the tension between Subaru and Natsume.  It’s been talked about enough that I was actually looking forward to seeing that tension, and this episode definitely highlights it really well.  It’s obvious that Natsume wants Subaru to be successful, and Subaru wants to be able to do things his own way.  Also, it’s obvious that Subaru is somewhat resentful toward Natsume for wanting him to work hard when Natsume himself doesn’t work all that hard at his job.  These kinds of conflicts are the sort of thing that siblings might have in real life, and is executed in a very believable way.

At this point I feel sorry for most of the characters in Brothers Conflict, mainly for the ones who are close in age to Chi.  In a previous post, I discussed why I felt bad for Yuusuke, and that still stands (even though he hasn’t appeared much lately in the show).  Now, though, Tsubaki has made a move on Chi by kissing her in the last episode, Subaru has asked her out in this episode, Natsume seems to want to be a good big brother to Chi while also being the same for Subaru and is getting caught in the middle of all of that, and things are getting more complicated all around.  Mostly, Chi has it bad because she’s just getting used to actually having a family and being around siblings, but at least three of them have made moves on her!  She’s got to be completely confused, and who can blame her?

There’s definitely a lot of tension building simply on the fact that so many of the brothers have or obviously will show romantic feelings for Chi, and she’s been kissed by one and asked out by another.  As I said in my previous post on this anime, it will be thrilling to see where these confessions of love will lead as Brothers Conflict continues!

Brothers Conflict Episode 6 Preview

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