Claymore 129

This might not be remembered by all, but let us not forget the biggest troll of the year. Courtesy of the Jump SQ editing department, there was a certain manga all of us thought had abruptly ended.

Just one word. One simple word that caused the uproar of the year: end. Placed at the bottom of the chapter, Claymore damn near pissed off a lot of its fans when they thought the series had ended out of nowhere. That one chapter sparked so much buzz that I caught up to the series after putting it on hold for a while.

Because it was short-lived, this moment would have probably been forgotten by most. It does help that it happened towards the beginning of the year and was then overshadowed by a few manga performing superbly well. The likes of Bleach and KamiNomi just stole the show recently, making up for this blunder of blunders.

It was a hilarious moment. Mayhem caused, quickly solved and we moved on.